Monday, October 27, 2014

A Typical Day

Mornings:        On a typical morning I wake up around 6am. I have devotions and make breakfast, and am usually out the door by 7:15. Staff Worship is at 7:20. The office opens at 7:30, and by 7:40 I am diving into the days tasks. There are two blessings I enjoy daily: air conditioning in the office, and a never ending variety of jobs. Much of what I do is online, be it updating our school facebook page, website, or designing new posters and brochures. Every other Friday I design/publish a newsletter for the school. (Below is a link to one of October's newsletters.) This month I am tackling two fundraisers and the compilation of our school yearbook.

October's Newsletter

Afternoons:        By lunch time I am ready for a break from sitting in front of a computer. On rainy days I like to escape to the CDC classrooms and play with the kids. It doesn't take much to entertain them, and picking them up and spinning them around is a really great arm workout. On sunny days I like to stand in the sunshine! The weather on Saipan has (Praise the Lord) started to cool down. Lately weather is in the mid 80's and humidity is down to the mid 80's as well.

Evenings:           Around 4:30 we close the shutters to the office and have what we fondly call "office spa time." Office hours are over and it is time to visit. Some days everyone is busy and running off to get errands done. Other days many of the teachers join us. On Mondays and Wednesdays my roommate and I teach at Dream Academy, so by 5pm we are already up the three flights of stairs to the Dream Academy classrooms.

Days end:          At the end of the day my roommate and I come home, prepare our lunches for the next day, and then sit down on the two big chairs in our living room and take a moment to exhale. I love this part of the day. Time to write and reflect, time to plan for the next day, and time to just be.

So there you have it! A typical day for the student missionaries on Saipan.  

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